Working class loyalists get criminal records, while affluent unionists just sit back

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from John Mulholland:

The situation that I warned about in a previous letter (‘It’s farcical to claim not to know the laws others obeyed,’ April 2) has now taken place in Waterside and Sandy Row: working class unionists out on the streets and young people set to get a criminal record.

They should stop and think and ask the question, ‘How many affluent unionist areas are protesting against the Irish Sea border?’

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How many unionists living in big houses and driving fancy cars are prepared to put their shoulder to the wheel?

What are the majority of leaders at the top of the loyal orders saying about the Irish Sea border?

We have unionist politicians who continue to earn big wages and others who continue in government with Sinn Fein/IRA who have jumped over backwards to keep Sinn Fein/IRA on board the gravy train — some of whom will receive their gold-plated pensions in the not-too-distant future.

The unionist people have been let down by people who think more of their careers than protecting Northern Ireland’s full place within the UK.

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If there is to be protest, all unionists who believe the border must go need to be prepared to take their fair share of protest action against the protocol.

If people believe the law does not apply to everyone equally, we all need to speak out. This calls for robust leadership!

My advice for what it is worth is for young unionists/loyalists to desist from rioting.

Let those who are getting paid to lead, some of whom helped get us into this mess, show the way forward.

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I understand your frustration. You may end up with a criminal record that may hamper your future prospects.

Do not allow yourselves to be led into criminal activity and ruin your own areas and injure police who are taking the flak for the incompetence and treachery of those in authority.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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